- Upgrade to the premium version to access additional features. One purchase unlocks all premium features on
- all your Android devices for life.
- Detect SIM card changes – Emails you if a new SIM card is inserted into the phone.
- Send email after power on – Emails you when the thief turns your phone back on (e.g. when they are home).
- Take multiple photos – Includes three photos in the email instead of one. Each photo is taken roughly one second apart.
- Record sound – Records 20 seconds of high quality sound using the built-in microphone.
- Turn on data connection – Automatically turn your data connection on and off if needed (Android 4.x only).
- Send an SMS to a friend – If there is no data connection, sends an SMS with the location of your phone.
> New language translations (Danish, Hungarian, Swedish)
Ukuran (Size) : 1.8 Mb
Format : zip
Link Download : Via DropApk
Instalasi :
- Download file zipnya
- Silahkan ekstrak zip melalui aplikasi root explorer (file manager) atau melalui PC
- Instal aplikasi
- Done
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