Opera 43 Final Offline Installer Features
- The process for access to your favorite sites using the Speed Dial
- Protection against fraud
- BitTorrent client
- ******* blocker
- Add your search engine
- View thumbnails of open pages
- The settings for each site separately
- The use of widgets
- New editing
- Download Manager
- Navigation tabam
- Password Manager
- Integrated search
- Pop-up Blocker
- Mouse Gestures
- The fast forward
- Quick setup by pressing F12
- Voice control
- “Hot” Keyboard
- The ‘Trash’
- Supports data protection protocol SSL, version 3, and TLS 1.0 protocol and 1.1
- 256-bit encryption
- Removal of personal data
- Manage ******s
- E-mail the opera browser
- IRC-Chat
- Support “Drag and drop”
- Support for skins Interface
Download :
- Opera 43 Final Offline Installer 32 Bit
[Zippyshare] - Opera 43 Final Offline Installer 64 Bit
[Zippyshare] - Password: Open This Link
Panduan Instalasi:
- Extract dan instal terlebih dahulu file opera yang telah didownload.
- Tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.
- Jalankan!
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