TSR software Watermark adalah cara mudah dan cepat untuk mendapatkan foto kita di beri watermark; kemudahan penggunaan membuatnya cepat untuk belajar, bahkan untuk kita yang baru pertama kali. Jika Anda memiliki seseorang atau karyawan yang perlu menambahkan watermark ke foto sebelum meng-upload online, software TSR Watermark adalah pilihan yang sangat baik.
- Add multiple watermarks to each image.
- Save each images at multiple output folders, this way you can easyli generate thumbnails etc. in one run.
- Add text watermark that is either normal, embossed, chiseled or watermarked with a border.
- Automatically rotate the watermarked picture based on the orientation EXIF tag – this is written to the image by many modern cameras.
- Add the text used to watermark the image to the EXIF information in the resulting file.
- Keep or drop EXIF information in jpeg files (Camera model/lense model/etc. etc.)
- Output the watermarked photo to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF file format.
- Specify the quality of the watermarking output when saving as jpeg images
- Angle the text you use for your photo watermarking
- Insert background watermark in digital images, pictures, photos
- Resize images while watermarking the image/photo
- Watermark your photos using either another image, photo or picture
- Watermark your photos using your own text in the color and style you want to.
- Maintain directory structure in destination directory or combine all batch watermarked images into one directory
- Skip or overwrite existing watermarked images/photos in destination directory
- Command line option to automatically load a profile and batch watermark all photos.
- Automatically check for new version of the TSR Watermark Image Software
Version – 18 Mar 2017
Fixed an error in the watermark maker part of the tool
Fixed an error in the watermark maker part of the tool
Langkah Aktivasi
- Install software
- kemudian gunakan nama dan serial yang di sediakan ( email nya bebas )
- enjoy full version
- salam luar biasa
Size: 13 Mb
=> TSR Watermark Image Pro Terbaru | via zippyshare
=> TSR Watermark Image Pro Terbaru | via datafilehost
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