Features Of Adobe Photoshop CC 2017
- Improved performance and better responsiveness thanks to Adobe Mercury Engine
- 3D Printing features: view and edit designs from other 3D programs such as Cinema 4D or Autodesk Maya and print your models
- Adobe Creative Cloud subscription validation: get instant access to the latest updates and fixes, work seamlessly, collaborate with the community and synchronize files across multiple computers effortlessly
- Camera RAW 8: apply camera raw edits as filters to any file or layer to enhance them the way you want
- Perspective Warp: adjust the perspective of a specific part of an image without affecting the rest
- Smart Sharpen filter: sharpen your pictures with rich details and textures without losing quality or adding noise
- Camera Shake Reduction: restore sharpness accurately for your blurred pictures
- Real-time image asset generation retouching: Photoshop saves tagged layers as individual files and collects them in a folder
- Linked Smart Objects: repurpose your Smart Objects across different Photoshop files to get smaller documents and save hard-disk space
System Requirements Adobe Photoshop CC 2017
- Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Mac OS X 10.7 or later
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2GHz or AMD equivalent
- RAM memory: 1GB or higher
- Video Card: 1024×768 resolution device display, 1280×800 recommended, compatible with OpenGL 2.0, 512MB VRAM and 16-bit color
- Hard disk: 2.5 GB of free space
- Internet connection required for software activation
- Download dan ekstrak file “Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 v18.1.0.207 Final Full Crack” ini. Kemudian ekstrak juga file crack yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
- Matikan koneksi internet anda.
- Buka folder hasil ekstrak tadi.
- Disitu anda akan menemukan beberapa folder.
- Silahkan buka folder build.
- Lalu jalankan file “Adobe Photoshop” dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
- Proses instalasi akan berjalan secara otomatis. Lama tidaknya proses instalasi tergantung dengan spek pc yang anda gunakan.
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai, tidak akan terjadi apa-apa. Hanya saja installer yang tadinya ada di monitor anda akan hilang.
- Lalu anda buka folder crack.
- Ekstrak file “adobe.snr.patch.v2.0-painter”.
- Lalu jalankan file “adobe.snr.patch.v2.0-painter” dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
- Pada bagian atas sendiri silahkan anda pilih “Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (xx bit). Silahkan anda pilih xx dengan bit windows yang anda gunakan, apakah 32 atau 64.
- Klik Patch.
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- 32-bit
[Diskokosmiko] [Kbagi] - 64-bit
[Diskokosmiko] [Kbagi]
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