Kamis, 06 April 2017

Advanced SystemCare Ultimate Pro 10.0.2 Full Version

Fortriks.com - Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 10.0.2 merupakan software yang dapat menghapus dan membuang file-file sampah dan memperbaiki ... thumbnail 1 summary
Fortriks.com - Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 10.0.2 merupakan software yang dapat menghapus dan membuang file-file sampah dan memperbaiki registry-registry yang rusak atau tidak digunakan. Dengan adanya software ini akan membantu sobat untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja serta performa komputer atau laptop sobat sekalian.

Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 10.0.2 menggabungkan kemampuan anti-virus dan kemampuan tune-up PC sehingga tidak diragukan lagi bagaimana kemampuan software ini untuk melindungi laptop maupun komputer sobat. Pada dasarnya Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 10.0.2 hampir sama dengan Advanced SystemCare Ultimate versi sebelumnya. Hanya saja pada Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 10.0.2 Full Version terdapat beberapa fitur tambahan serta tampilan yang lebih simple dan mudah di mengerti bagi penggunanya.

Advanced SystemCare Ultimate Pro 10.0.2 Full Version

Features Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 10.0.2 :
  • Based on Dual engine: the award-winning BitDefender anti-virus engine and IObit anti-malware engine
  • Defends against possible virus infection, while speeds up PC rapidly in the meantime
  • Scans and detects more threats, proven by generally recognized testing organization
  • Fast scanning ability provides reliable protection against viruses, spyware and other threats
  • Real-time and proactive protection detects and stops all kinds of malicious behavior
  • Rapid virus database updates provides high-level of detection and keep your protection current
  • Scans and removes spyware and adware with the latest definition
  • Prevents spyware, hijackers and malicious websites with Surfing Protection Technology
  • Monitors PC performance in Real-time with Performance Monitor
  • Erases the history of all activities in your computer
  • Scans and fixes invalid and improper registry entries
  • Detects and removes invalid startup items
  • Searches and Cleans up unused Windows garbage
  • Repairs system configurations, Eliminates System Bottlenecks and Prevents Crashes
  • Tunes up Windows to improve both system and Internet performance, unleashes the power of your Windows
  • Analyzes and Shows detailed information of hardware and Windows
  • Two Modes to meet all user’s needs, finishes all work with one click, Super Easy to Use
Download :
Panduan Instalasi:
  1. Extract dan instal Advanced SystemCare Ultimate sampai selesai.
  2. Jalankan Advanced SystemCare Ultimate dan masukkan serial number yang telah disediakan.

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