Jumat, 07 April 2017

Aimp 4.13 Build 1893 Terbaru Gratis

Fortriks.com - Aimp merupakan software buatan rusia yang di dedikasikan sebagai pemutar audio. Sebagai pesaing dan lebih ringan dari WINAM... thumbnail 1 summary
Fortriks.com - Aimp merupakan software buatan rusia yang di dedikasikan sebagai pemutar audio. Sebagai pesaing dan lebih ringan dari WINAMP,  AIMP  memiliki 18 BAND equalizer yang mana kita dapat mengatur kualitas dari music yang akan di tampilkan sesuai selera.
Aimp 4.13 Build 1893 Terbaru Gratis ini sudah termasuk kategori Pemutar audio populer yang gratis. banyak orang sudah menggunakanya.

Aimp 4.13 Build 1893 Terbaru Gratis

What’s new in version:
AIMP v4.13, build 1893 (06.04.2017)
Fixed: plugins – API – the IAIMPPlaylistQueue2 interface has no implementation (regression)
Small bugs were fixed
AIMP v4.13, build 1886 (14/02/2017)
Plugins: news feed – the ability to assign a hotkey to show the tape
General: updated localizations
Total: FLAC codec has been updated to v1.3.2
Total: WavPack codec has been updated to v5.1.0
The audio engine: improved algorithm for constructing remappinga channel map
The audio engine: improved compatibility with external sound cards in the derivation using the exclusive access to the device
Music Library: wood categories – search is now underway for only a fully-loaded levels
Music Library: reports – extended number of items in the tables
Music Library: reports – is now used instead of field artist album artist
Music Library: Table – reduced memory consumption mode when displaying album art
Fixed: General – an error when installing a package with additions, if one of the files in the archive are not compressed
Fixed: Settings dialog – Association with files – always the first set of icons is selected
Fixed: Settings dialog – Hotkeys – discordantly group displayed
Fix: dialog settings – cover – install the service pack when you open the settings dialog does not update the information displayed on the cover
Fixed: a player – not updated information about the playing track, if the Internet radio station sends the meta-data is very often
Fixed: a player – in some cases there is an application crash when recording ether when switching tracks on the radio
Fixed: playlist – Information on the size of the file is stored is incorrect when you export to AIMPPL4 format if the value is greater than 2 GB
Fixed: playlist – window confirm file deletion from the disk is displayed under the windows, if the player is minimized to tray
Fixed: audio converter – command line options, in some cases, processed incorrectly
Fixed: Tag Editor – command-line switches in some cases, processed incorrectly
Fixed: Tag Editor – ANSI encoding is used instead of UTF8 when exporting CUE / lyrics file
Fixed: Tag Editor – the cache is not updated after the calculation of BPM

Size : 9 Mb
=> Aimp 4.13 Build 1893 Terbaru Gratis | Via zippyshare
=> Aimp 4.13 Build 1893 Terbaru Gratis | Via dbree
=>Katalog Skin

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