What’s new:
- updated GUI engine
- fixed notification of finished Smart Scan, now it correctly shows the results instead of starting the scan again
- fixed several crashes in Web Shield (including corruption of large downloaded files)
- fixed crashing during update of virus definitions on 32-bit OS
- viruses detected by File Shield are now correctly moved to quarantine
- firewall profile is correctly recognized also when you connect via different network adapters
- fixed problem with empty windows profile on Windows 10 after avast update
- right-click explorer scan now runs in main window
- Avast Premier Antivirus 17.4.2294
[4downfiles] [Uptobox] [Datafilehost] - Avast Internet Security 17.4.2294
[4downfiles] [Uptobox] [Datafilehost] - License Key Avast Premier
[4downfiles] [Uptobox] [Datafilehost] - License Key Avast Internet Security
[4downfiles] [Uptobox] [Datafilehost]
- Extract dan instal Avast sampai selesai.
- Pilih license Avast sesuai dengan yang diinstal.
- Jalankan antivirus avast dan double click file license yang telah disediakan dan masukkan ke antivirus avast.
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=> Admin Fortriks berhak menghapus komentar yang mengandung link out , spam dan kata-kata yang tidak sopan.
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Terimakasih Sudah Berkunjung ^_^